Sunday, September 20, 2015

15 Day Weight Loss Cleanse & Flush Review

For My Readers:
I was chosen to test and review for free in exchange for my unbiased opinion this "15 Day Weight Loss Cleanse & Flush." 

About This Product:
*Will provide results in about 12-24 hours
*Helps reduce waste in the intestinal tract
*Helps reduce bloating
*May increase energy
*May lose some weight during or after the  cleanse
*Contains natural ingredients of a laxative 
*Contains acidophilus to promote healthy  bacteria levels in the intestinal tract

Directions For Use:
*Take at bedtime with a full glass of water
*Only take for the 15 days, can repeat in two  weeks the cleanse again
* #cleanse

My Review:
I use cleanses often, so I was interested in how I was going to like and feel while using this cleanse. I actually really liked this cleanse. It was very gentle and did not make my stomach hurt at all. I felt more energy while using it. I also lost about 4 pounds after I was done with the 15 days. Over all I really liked this product and will look to use it again in about a month. I like to do a cleanse every so often because it just makes my body feel better to rid it of the toxins and waste. 

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